2012 has reached the end. How's your life in the past year? I was thinking this and look up some pictures to recall my 2012. You might be a part of my life... Check it out!
Chinese New Year was a great time to meet with relatives and friends. My family gathering was in Port Dickson and we had fun there. The next will be at my house which I anticipate very much. Also, for the first time after years I catch up with primary school friends during Chinese New Year. Not forgetting SETA & EC classmates. It has been a must to organise reunion dinner during CNY. Years after years, yet we are still as before. Cheer~
Semester 6 begun. My joined coursemates to Pulau Ketam since we have free time during the beginning of semester. A simple and peaceful land in Selangor.
I found Hot Air Balloon Fiesta is an annual event in Putrajaya. Glad that I got the chance to witness the hot air balloon from all over the world. This is one of the picture that I like.
Class trip to Pulau Pangkor, which I have never been to. We spend long hours on the journey, it was torturing. Anyway, the scene was quite nice.
Oppss... May was a super hectic month that I just realised I have nothing to show. I flipped back my planner and found it was full with test, assignment etc. How sad...
Finally, semester 6 ended. We headed to Melaka to meet our two friends there.
A day out with new friends and brother.
This was another gathering after CNY. I mean with more people lah.
Glad to see everyone start working and leading good life, not to forget those who studying like me.
We are soon to be like them.
My birthday month also =)
Most memorable time in 2012 was my internship. Even though it was only 8 weeks but I appreciate and feel grateful that I had a great attachment company. An experience that others wouldn't have like me.
Proud that I was one of them.

Final year begun. Amazing. I am a final year student now. My degree life has came to the last year.
"When life gives you lemons, make lemonade."
Yes, whatever we get from life can be fortune. It depends on how we judge our life.
I must thank my Korean lecturer. She is the only lecturer in my uni who remember my name. She is great!!
For 3 levels of Korean lesson in consecutive 3 semesters, I learned a lot. Now, I able to read Korean characters and simple conversation.
진심으로 감사함니다
The most stressful mid term break I had. Everyday FYP and study for tests was torturing. Lucky that I had a day to catch up with friends and release stress.
Woohoo... The last month of 2012. Coursemates visited me during Christmas.
Had great time in JB and Simgapore.
Time flies when you get older. I feel time flies so I am old? Hahahaha... No longer young as before. It's the time to lead my life and light up my life. How do you think?
Goodbye 2012, Hello 2013!!
1 comment:
feel grateful that i am a part of your life. Cheers!
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