Wednesday, February 27, 2013

EC CNY Reunion 2013

On the 6th day of Chinese New Year, we had our Form 6 reunion dinner. Seafood dinner as recommended. It was a rainy evening but we enjoyed.

Full table of food and we took this while waiting the last VIP to reach. LOL
Lou-sang session took place before the feast begun. Everyone seemed too excited and nearly make a mess.
Anyway, I enjoyed the moment.
Our first visit to Angelyn's house.
That was my only visiting this year.
Look back at our Form 6's time, any changes on us?
Perhaps we can still joking and teasing each other that we used to be whenever we are together.
No matter how old we going to be, when we are together, we are still young as before.
Laughter, laughter and laughter.
The very epic Coca-cola glass. But Ah Huat coffee cup seemed to be the leading that day.
Kaki Rumah Firuz
Each of us got handmade cookies from our friend.
Thank you so much. I never disappoint her by finished the whole thing my own.
Our mission completed.
I joked that hopefully our friend in India will see this. LOL
Fly up high
Wish all of us to have a great start ahead.
Everyone get graduated, promoted or anything wanted this year. Our future is in our hand.
Happy Chinese New Year!!!

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