Friday, March 15, 2013

Liebster Blod Award -- My Answers

Liebster Blog Award. For first time I heard, I was nominated. I googled it and results popped out were quite similar. Without the origin but the sources said it is meant for bloggers who has less than 200 followers. Liebster means "dearest" in German. When you are nominated, you are required to answer the 11 questions asked and similarly, you may ask another blogger 11 questions for another cycle. "Liebster" Evelynwann has nominated me and I am here to answer 11 questions.


Q1. Do you think female and male can be just friend and not anything more than that?

Well, this is very subjective. I spent most of my teenage in a girl school, for that 5 years my comfort zone was all female except my dad and bro. No jokes. Seriously, I can't even talk to guys comfortably when I first came to coed school. Luckily, I overcome that. I would say I have close guyfriends and never ever more than that. In general, people might not believe there is pure friendship between female and male. But I have faith in this, simply because female and male are complementary and of course you cannot treat them as how you treat your other half. That's the rule to keep friendship.


Q2. Which song best describe you and why?

Actually quite a number to name because I used to listen to Chinese songs and since I can understand the lyrics so sometimes might found the lyrics are about me. FYI, I like ballad a lot. Listening to ballad is my way to release stress, always the best. After looking at my playlist, I choose Soda Green's song 喜歡寂寞. The Taiwanese group is famous for their self-composed talent and live performance. Specially like the vocalist, he sings his self-composed song and the songs speak people's mind. I would like to share the chorus from the songs, so sorry I am not good in translating.

當時奮不顧身伸出我的手 看見了輪廓就當作宇宙

甜美的習慣變成生活 才了解了什麼
如今故事發展成就一個我 學會了生活能享受寂寞
劇烈的語言變成溫柔 又帶來了什麼
若是不曾走過 怎麼懂

Personality does not built in a day. Whatever we gone through in the past shape us. As time goes by, we get something in return. In the end, we become matured, grateful... we know how to survive in the game.
What comes around goes around.


Q3. If you are fully sponsored for plastic surgery, will you go for it? State your reason.

My parents have given me everything normal and I appreciate. The only I want is orthodontics treatment. I always not satisfied with my teeth alignment. Consulted dentist few years ago and ended up with nothing because I don't have enough budget. If I were sponsored for orthodontics treatment, I will go regardless the pain. So, whoever willing to sponsor please contact me.


Q4. Should ladies have independent financial ability than depending on spouse?

No doubt, of course!! I believe there are two main reasons that ruin marriage -- money and affair. Wives who are not financially independent used to be dominated by husbands. And, as divorce case is becoming common nowadays, how women survive if that happen. Isn't that good if working mothers can support the family financially without neglecting their children?


Q5. If you are given a second chance, do you want to be male or female? Why?

Male. Simple reason, I don't want to suffer from menstrual pain anymore. It is killing.


Q6. Will you go for bungee jump or skywalking or skydiving?

Oh no, that's too exciting. But there is still 1% possibility that I want to try couple bungee jump. Haha...


Q7. How much does a family need to cover its daily expenses?

Perhaps it depends on the living style. I estimate a family of four living in suburb with car and housing installment need at least RM4000 to RM5000. Provided no luxurious house and car, children study in government school, papa does not smoke and drink, mama does not buy branded stuffs...


Q8. Can you cook?

Can and not only instant noodle. I seldom being active in the kitchen but I believe practice makes perfect. Some more my parents are good cook, hopefully I inherited their culinary skill. Anyway, I decided to learn baking in near future.


Q9. Who do you admire the most? Why?

It's hard to name a person. Should be people that outstanding in a way that I wanted to or I am bad in.


Q10. Which country do you wish to visit the most? Have you been there?

For country to travel, I would say it is Korea. Hopefully can travel to Korea in 2 years.
한국에 가고싶어요. 맛있는 먹어싶어 그리고 잘생긴 오빠도 보고싶어요.ㅋㅋㅋ


Q11. Have you ever imagine any snowing scene on the street in Malaysia?

I would say this is very Evelynwann style question. Hahaha... Never thought of this but start to imagine now. Hmm... Seems not so bad because I prefer cold climate.


Completed all 11 questions. Took some time but it was interesting. =)

1 comment:

Wann said...

HAHAHA looking at your answer for Q11 make me laugh hardly. WHY WHY

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